Sweet is the next Vanna!

Chip got the biggest kick out of this Brick Town set.

Chip also got a big kick out of the back side of this radio. He took 7 pictures of it!

Spectacles, testicles, wallet, watch and nitro so says dad. Sorry, family joke...mom you get it,right? Anyway, no need to wait a week. Glasses made while you wait!

This Phylco TV was amazing. I loved the way the screen can move up and down. I wonder if we could hook the DVD player up to it...lol

Retro and educational? I soooooooo want this game! Who knows, maybe I had it when I was gowing up. I know I had the Grease album next to it.

I also had one of these nifty Bee Gee's transistor radios.

Dill stood over and read the directions for injecting this anti-venom. Can you say OUCH!

This mallet was almost as big as Sweet. How anyone could lift and hit with this thing makes me wonder.

Here is the story behind the mallet.

We really had a good field trip day. After we left the Historical Center we headed home listening to A Short History of the United States by Edward Chaning. We stopped at a DQ had an ice cream cone for a snack, bought milk in a bag and stopped to see my mom and dad. It was a great day!

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