Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Week

I question whether I should chronicle this week or not. I seem to be a dweller of not so nice things as of late and as I dwell, school seems to lack. That being said, life molds us into who we are.

My heart has been breaking for my Godson and his family. I wish I knew what to do and what to say. I know keeping my distance and letting them work things out is the best at this point but it is hard. The picklets are also worried about their God-Brother so we have spent quite a bit of time talking about them this week.

We have also played A LOT of Yahtzee this week. The picklets also played Monopoly and Mario on the Wii. I am sure there are more games they played but not anything I personally witnessed.

They spent a lot of time outside at the beginning of the week. Raking, cleaning gutters, burning leaves and mowing. There was also trampoline jumping, scooter riding, bike riding, running and making a TON of noise.

Harry Potter audio books have not been turned off while we have been at home this week. We are preparing for the movie!

The picklets have been working on a Thanksgiving Creative Writing unit that was free from Connect the Thoughts. So far, they like it. It is slow going though since I am VERY disorganized this week.

Since Veteran's Day was yesterday, I started a unit on The Candy Bomber with the picklets. We haven't done much with it but I will post about it this weekend. We also spent most of the day with my dad yesterday. We thanked him for his service and I cooked him supper...straight from the box!

Of course gymnastics has been a big part of our week. Sweet practices 5 days a week. I spend quite a bit of time reading at the gym. Sweet and Chip still teach tots but that ends in two weeks.

Dill was to start tae kwon do and hopkido this week but I couldn't find the place where it is held so he will start next week. He was quite bummed.

This morning Dill and Sweet baked biscuits for breakfast. We were out of butter so Dill had to convert 4 TBS butter into canola oil. Now THAT is a math problem at 6:30 in the morning!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I've never heard of The Candy Bomber. Sounds interesting. We'll check him out! Thanks for the link. Goes well with the interesting things we've been learning about lately - military hoaxes, camouflaging the whole Lockheed plant, inflatable army, etc.