Thursday, December 2, 2010

Countdown to Christmas: Day 2

Our slip read the following:

Hanukkah started at sundown last night. Let's learn about this 8 day Jewish holiday.

1. Watch Lights: The Miracle Of Chanukah --This was a cute little animated movie narrated by Judd Hircsh explaining how the Greeks came to Jerusalem and took the light away. It says up to12 years old. I would rank it for maybe up to 10 years old.
2. Read aloud for the day: Alexandra's Scroll: The Story of the First Hanukkah --this is a pretty good novel about a little girl named Alexandra who lives in Jerusalem. The king has made it llegal for Jews to be Jewish forcing her and others to sneak. She, through the encouragement of her parents, has decided to preserve what is happening by writing about it.
3. Peanut butter "dreidel" sandwiches for lunch.--these didn't turn out as well as I had hoped they would but the picklets had fun making them. Cut a peanut butter sandwich in half and shape it like a dreidle. Take colored cream cheese and put a symbol on it. A pretzel sticking out of the top finishes it up.
4. A Bach Christmas advent calendar--we listened to a bit about Leipzig (in Bach's time), read 4
poems about Bach and read about Mass in B Minor. The picklets are jotting down notes about what they are learning. We also listened to some Bach music selections that were on the site today.

5. Listen to the next episode of "The Cinnamon Bear" --Judy and Jimmy were taken prisoner and were being lead to the giant ink bottle! Will they escape? We must tune in tomorrow to find out!
6. Learn to play dreidels--I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out but the picklets LOVED it. I bought a pair of dreidles at Target for $2.49. The instructions say to give the kids equal amounts of nuts to use in the pot. I figured since I got them started gambling yesterday they should just continue. So they played with pennies. Soon enough pennies got boring and nickles were used.


The next thing I knew quarters were in the pot!


I don't think we have laughed this hard in some time. I know this will be played quite a bit through the holidays.


7. Make latkes for supper.

8.. Silent Night illustrations--day 2 of illustrations for our "quilt"

Throughout the day the picklets also:

  • played Wii Sports Resort
  • watched it snow (re: complained that it is snowing because it makes
    delivering papers hard)
  • picked up the yard so things wouldn't get buried under the snow
  • hung up more decorations
  • played more bingo
  • worked on handicrafts


And that was day 2! We action packed it and had a ton of fun!

(c) 2008-2010 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines

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