Saturday, August 27, 2011

Above All

I believe everyone has a calling.  Some know they are meant to be a mom.  Some a teacher.  Some an accountant.  Some know they are meant to be in the military.  Chip is one of those people. 

To better prepare Chip for that service we signed him up to be a member of the Civil Air Patrol.  He meets with his squadron about 2 hours per week to get aerospace education, moral leadership and physical training.  He dresses in BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform) and spit shines his boots (which I found out doesn't really require spit!). He participates in mock search and rescue missions and  meets on the weekends for activities such as placing flags on the graves of veterans, marshalling aircraft at airshows and O-Rides.  O-Ride, short for orientation ride, has been one of Chip's favorite part of being a member of CAP.

Not knowing what to expect the first time, we took Chip to the airport dressed in BDU's, armed with sunglasses, chewing gum, a camera and water.  Soon a CAP pilot introduced himself and the next thing we knew we were on the tarmac watching Chip be briefed on how to do the pre-flight safety check. 

Soon after we watched the small plane take off "into the wild blue yonder".  A couple hours later we picked him up and found out that Chip actually got to fly the plane!  I think he was in love.

He has since had another motorized O-Ride (where grandpa was allowed on the tarmac to "inspect" the plane)



and a glider ride. He is hoping for 2 more, the maximum alotted per cadet in a given year. 


Since he is almost 18 this will be his first and last year of O-Rides.  It is too bad because had we known about the program earlier, he could have had several under his belt, been in line for pilot school or quite possibly had his own license by now.  Plus he is missing years of invaluable preparation received for possible search and rescue missions. 

Chip can continue to be a member of CAP, as a cadet, until he is 21 and if he keeps up his studies through CAP he still  has the possibility to earn scholarships that could possibly include flight school or better. 

(c) 2008-2011 Wicked Pickles-Homefrontlines

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