Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19

It has been a whirlwind of a day. I got a phone call asking if I could take over at the office because the lady who usually works on Tuesday's was going to be at the hospital while her daughter gave birth. How could I say no?

So, after delivering papers, gathering our school things and getting ready, we left home. Our first stop was the sledding "hill".
The "hill" is just a ton of snow that has been plowed into a pile in back of the fire station.Photobucket
It is steep and it is slick.
After 15 or 20 minutes of intense sledding we headed to the bank. Dill found a bunch of change he received for Christmas and just had to turn it in so he could go to Target and buy more Bakugan or Yughio or something. I swear that boy will let money burn a hole in his pocket.

When we got to town we stopped at the grocery store and headed to my mom and dad's house. I took pictures of the fog and the gorgeous scenery on the way there.

When we got there Sweet made lunch for us while Chip and Dill watched You Are There America Grows Up: The Great Comstock Silver Strike. Since we put the movie in the diningroom to watch Sweet and I got to listen to it.

After cleaning up the lunch mess and playing a quick game of hide and seek we got down to some school work. Haiti and earthquakes are on the schedule for the day so we started off by discussing what the picklets actually know about Haiti. They then watched Mystic Lands Haiti Dance of the Spirit. It wasn't exactly what I had hoped for but it did give a small snippet of culture and history.
They then read Haiti: A Country in Need and answered the questions that I got from Miss Maggie's Earth Adventures and read Disaster in Haiti and quiz from Scholastic News. These gave a bit of history, culture and some insight as to what impact the earthquake had. We discussed how mother nature doesn't discriminate. She does what she wants, when she wants.
We then watched Earth Science Earthquakes to get an idea of how an earthquake works. We talked in detail about what happens underground when there is an earthquake. Then they answered the first three questions from here. (filled in disaster chart for biggest dangers and how to deal with them, ranked what Haitians need most right now and wrote down all the words they know that have to do with earthquakes) I am not using all the activities from the site but am planning on a few because they work on different subject areas while still focusing on Haiti and the earthquake.
I switched gears a bit then and read The History of Louis Braille aloud. We couldn't imagine the pain he went through when he lost his sight. He turned out to be a remarkable man. I printed out the Braille Alphabet for a project but Dill and Chip informed me that my alphabet lacked "h","p" and "x". So I put it on the docket for later in the week. Upon looking at the paper I see I should have printed landscape instead of regular. Hello Sharpie! lol

So, that was the day for the most part. They all played Timez Attack, worked in their Wordtoons books, the boys played Bakugan and Yughio and Sweet assisted in a gymnastics class.

(c) 2008-2010 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines

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