Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Day 2

Friday morning I woke up to this beautiful view. It was a bit overcast but the temperatures were wonderful.
After breakfast Dill and Sweet retired to the van to re-read The United Tweets of America. We noticed these in almost all of the trees.During the afternoon the picklets went in the woods to collect firewood for the weekend.
Sweet found this peice of wood that had trails all over it from bugs. She thought is was fantastic.It took the picklets, Cool and my dad to bring this wood up. HEAVY!While gathering firewood Cool found this caterpillar.Sweet decided to start pole jumping with wood found in the brush.
While Sweet was pole jumping Dill and Cool sawed wood for the fire.During the day Sweet managed to catch two toads.Cool found this landscape timber and made a balance beam for Sweet to practice on.The boys took the "swords" they found and had a duel. We also took walks, brushed the dogs, sat around and did some much needed relaxing.

© 2008 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines

Happy Trails~~~

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