Saturday, January 10, 2009

Boring Friday

There is really nothing to talk about for yesterday. I woke up with a runny nose and sneezed most of the day. We ate leftovers for breakfast and dinner. Dill made supper. I made an exception for the no-TV rule so we could all watch Wife Swap and Super Nanny. Those are the two shows I watch on a weekly basis and the picklets love them too. My guess is we will make that exception each week.

I had a movie on hold at the library so sent the boys up to retrieve it. I sent some books along that the picklets had checked out. It seems they were quite overdue. Luckily the librarian has the work off their own fine. She doesn't think the parent should be held responsible when the kids are old enough to know due dates. So, until their fines are paid, the picklets new job is to shovel in front of the library. Must be done by 8:45 each day.

Math: Lemonade Larry
Language Arts: Journal jar, spelling game
Reading: Treasure Island, started listening to Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox
Arts: Piano Practice, bass practice

Math: Lemonade Larry
Language Arts: journal jar, spelling game
Reading: finished Gulliver's Travels
Arts: piano practice
Misc: made baked penne, started listening to Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox

Math: Ghost Blasters
Language Arts: journal jar, spelling game
Reading: Elenore Roosevelt
Arts: piano practice

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