Thursday, February 19, 2009


The picklets perception of what a privilege is has changed over the last month. And, I believe, definitely for the better.

I had a lunch date with a dear lady from Sokol yesterday. It was to be a time for the two of us to reminisce, go over the newsletter and just gab, as women sometimes do. The boys really didn't want to go along (and truth be told I didn't want them to) so in trying to find something for them to do I mentioned the library. "Can we read Naruto and YuGiOh!?" was the question eagerly asked by both boys.

Since I had taken away all their "fun" processions they haven't had the opportunity to read their "fun" books. The enthusiasm in their voices was wonderful and put a smile on my face. I replied with , "Yes you may." They were giddy.

As I was talking to Cool about leaving them at the library while I went to lunch he was very pleased to see their minds off the electronics they used to think about constantly and on reading. We marveled at how the "idea" of what a privilege is has changed over the last month.

During this time of "grounding" I have used it to try and change my parenting habits also. Not on the puter as much, reading aloud during breakfast and lunch, plenty of fun projects to do together and more family time with Cool. It has been difficult with the Sokol project going on but I think we are all benefiting from the changes that have occurred.

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