Monday, February 16, 2009

The End of Chinese New Year...

...a week late. At least I am not a dollar short...or am I? ;-/

We were away from home all last week and didn't get to finish up our Chinese New Year study. Since we are home today I thought we would finish it up.

We started the day out with having bacon and egg fried rice, orange juice and peanut butter and banana eggrolls. You can find both recipes at my cooking blog Homefront Cooking.

Figured out Dao De Jing by solving math problems on worksheets I created here.

Wrote down fortunes and made felt fortune cookies.
Watched several lantern festival video clips on United Streaming.

Started Chinese Art study. This is an ongoing study that will last through March. We are using two different sites. There are various activities included in these sites that the picklets will be doing.

Looked at calligraphy and how to draw the characters properly. Started lesson 1. Will move on to Artsedge at the end of the previous lessons. Used the index to look up various words. Will post pictures later.

Sketched an orange still life. (will post pictures later)

Played dominoes. We have always used out dominoes for standing up in a row and knocking down. This was a new experience for us. Found the rules of play here.

Made a family handprint dragon, idea from here. Chip drew the head using these step by step instructions. Will post picture later.

Had oriental meatball wraps and almond jello for supper.

Made Mary Todd Lincoln's cake and wrote Happy Birthday Dad in Chinese on the top.

So, I guess we aren't completely done with this "unit" but we are close. We can finish up what we have left during the week while we are gone. Mostly just art.


Anonymous said...

What an awesome unit!

Unknown said...

Awesome!!! I want to do the family dragon.