Monday, September 21, 2009

Rock Flipping

Yesterday, September 20, was Rock Flipping Day. We had a hard time finding a rock to flip that actually had stuff under it. We tried at the dump first but no luck there. The fire department had just burned off the brush and there was no getting to any of the rocks around. So, we walked around the yard picking up every rock we possibly could. Most had nothing under them but we did find some lil' creatures under some others.

Here are some earthworms going into their holes.
A slug.
I thought this was pretty cool.


This was an exo-skeleton. The end was kinda crushed.
Then there were some other surprises like this spiderman disk.
And I couldn't forget the nickle. LOL
The picklets also sketched the underneath the rock where they found creatures living. Those are at home and I will post tomorrow but wanted to get this up tonight.

This was alot of fun. It was a little discouraging flipping so many to find nothing but that made the find all that more thrilling.

(c) 2008-2009 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines


Susannah Anderson said...

I've posted the link to the list. When you put up the artwork, I'll add that, too.

Don't forget to pick up your kids' Junior Rock-Flipping badge!

Mom Unplugged said...

Looks like you found some interesting things! We had some disappointing rocks too, and a lot of rocks with just ants. But the whole process was fascinating and when there was a surprise, it was a COOL SURPRISE! Thanks for joining in!