Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Morning in the Life of Pickle

Thought I would bore you a reduced version of A Day in the Life. It is a great why to chronicle what and how we do things in our eclectic lives.

My day started at 3:40am when I rolled myself out of bed. I stumbled to the coffee maker and started a pot of coffee. I recently went to all decaf and have started adding about a teaspoon of cinnamon to the grounds. I read somewhere that cinnamon is high in antioxidants and that putting some in your coffee before brewing is a good way of getting it.

After throwing on my usual paper delivery clothes I sat down to the computer to check the weather. I do this every morning to make sure I didn't miss some major weather issue. It has paid off a couple of times.

I then woke Dill up as it was his day to help with delivery. Grumpy walked down the stairs, got dressed and assumed the position on the sofa bed until we had to go. I threw a load of laundry in the washer and dryer, cleaned off the cupboard, poured myself a cup of coffee and off we went.

It wasn't too bad out this morning. The windows weren't frosted at all so we had no waiting. We got the papers together, banded a few (folded the paper in half and put a rubber band around it) and off we went.

Today we put a little note on each paper informing our customers that starting tomorrow we will no longer climb stairs to deliver papers. The frost is slippery and with ice and snow coming we thought we needed to get the customers used to front door delivery.

It took us an hour and ten minutes to deliver our 90 some newspapers. By the time we got home I was ready for another cup of coffee. Dill turned on the radio, laid down on the sofa and went back to sleep.

I poured myself another cup, set Cool's phone alarm for 5:50 and sat down to check email. I found nothing noteworthy in my email and decided to investigate some recipes. At 5:50 Cool's alarm went off and I proceeded to wake him up every 5 minutes until 6:25. He doesn't like mornings.

When he finally woke up we went to the kitchen for coffee and I told him our plans for the day. I then plugged in his IPOD, downloaded his Rush24-7 program, got his lunch and coffee ready and set the dryer again.

Cool was ready and out the door by 7:00. I threw together some pumpkin baked oatmeal and threw in my exercise video. It was 7:15.

I did Leslie Sansone's 1 Mile Walk. It has been some time since I actually exercised but I know that I need to and there is no time like the present. I love the energy I get from exercising and make a mental note that I need to do it more often.

I still had a few minutes left on the timer and decided to wash up the few dishes. With the dishes washed I took the muffins out of the oven, sat down at the computer and relaxed. The Cosby Show was on so I got a good chuckle. I answered some emails, made a couple of notes about things I need to get accomplished and turned my attention to the TV for 7th Heaven. I absolutely LOVE that show. It is a great family show that has great morals and values. I hope they transport into my younguns psyche.

While watching I fold a load of laundry, write a recipe for soup and mentally prepare myself for the rest of the day. I know I have to work, we have a meeting, there's always the school thing and of course raising a family. Lots to do...always.

At 9:00 I turned off the TV, had Sweet set the table and we sat down to breakfast. I went over the plan of the day with the picklets and had a nice family breakfast.

That was pretty much my morning from 3:40 until 9:30ish. It didn't slow down much and didn't end until after 10:30pm. Need to go to bed cause tomorrow will start back up at 3:40.

(c) 2008-2009 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines

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