Happy Holidays.
As I sit here drinking my morning coffee, outside my window it is blizzarding. The wind is whipping the 10+ inches of snow around with fury. With a blizzard warning until 6:00 tonight, bringing us high winds and more snow, we are in for a fun day.
Cool and I were up at 3:00 plowing so I could deliver the papers. He took the day off due to snow but I don’t think he could get out of town even if he wanted to. We went to the gas station this morning and got stuck up the street. It is NOT nice out. The papers still haven’t been delivered.
2009 has been an eventful year.
My grandpa died in March. It was not unexpected and rather a relief since he had been suffering for quite some time. Gaga is still living in (town). She and I go shopping together every two weeks. It is such a special time for me and her. And the kids enjoy spending extra time with her too.
Cool is still at (company) in the accounting department, running queries and solving problems. He still likes the challenge of it all. He also delivers pizza 5 nights a week for Pizza Hut. In his spare time he teaches boy’s gymnastics and still manages to be an attentive daddy.
The kids are still in gymnastics at Sokol. They are really progressing and still enjoy it quite a bit. They amaze us each week with their skill. As well as gymnastics they are all still in piano, a Czech folk dance group and 4-H. They are all doing well and are really looking forward to getting out and playing in the snow.
I am still homeschooling the kids. We have our ups and downs but really enjoy the opportunities we are allotted with it. I volunteer at Sokol helping the parents, collecting monies due and doing what ever else might come up. Along with all that, I get up at 3:30 every morning and deliver the paper. I really kind of like it. I can’t believe how peaceful everything is at that time of day. I get to see the sunrise each morning and there is nothing more spectacular. Plus it brings in a little extra money.
There are so many things we have seen and done this year, I can’t possibly write them all in one letter. One thing has been constant though; our love for each other. We are a unit, it doesn’t falter and because of that we know we are truly blessed.
Wishing an abundance of blessings upon you and yours. May 2010 bring you more than you need, less than you want and leave your cup overflowing.
(c) 2008-2009 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines
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