Day 1: Apple Crisp
Day2: Donation
Day 3: Windows
Day 4: Cookies
Day 5: Lights
Day 6: Check Your Shoes
Day 7: Holiday Letters and also here
Day 8 is done with a picture yet to be posted.
Day 10 has also been done with pictures coming sometime today, I hope.
We finally baked Christmas cookies from Day 4. Not that the chores have been done diligently or that the picklets are not still grounded but I really wanted a cookie so we had baking school. Baking school didn't sound fun. It sounded schoolish, thus making them say, nay whine, "It's 4:00. I don't want to do anymore school." Anyway...
Chip decided he wanted soft sugar cookies with a hint of lemon. We did not have any lemon extract so he used lemon juice. The cookies are wonderfully soft and delicious but have absolutely no lemon taste. Oh well. If you want to make a delicious, easy, soft sugar cookie here is the recipe. One hint for you: Do NOT accidentally use baking soda when the recipe calls for baking powder. The result is one thin, salty, icky cookie that even the dogs won't eat. Just sayin.
Dill made our three ingredient peanut butter cookies. These were Cool's favorite by far (as if he should be eating cookies). If you haven't made these I say, "Make them. Now." They are so easy. The ingredients are 1 cup of peanut butter (Dill used natural chunky), 1 cup of sugar and 1 egg (fresh fromt the chicken). Mix, roll into balls, put on baking sheet, criss cross with a fork dunked in some extra sugar and bake on 350 for around 10 minutes or so. Easy peasy and DELICIOUS!
Sweet made her favorite cookies in the whole world. Again very easy. Chocolate Crinkle cookies. A tutorial from Sweet will be coming on this subject later today so stay tuned.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Countdown to Christmas!

(c) 2008-2009 Wicked Pickles-Homefront Lines
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